welcome to cliffy's webpage!
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"...you're in my world now, grandma..."
-happy gilmore

don't be shy!  c'mon in!  kick off your shoes and make yourself comfortable.
welcome to my new and improved website!  it will never be quite finished
but its close enough for now.  so why did i decide to make this page?
well,my hero billy madison once said...

"i drew the duck blue, because, i've never seen a blue duck before
and, to be honest with you, i just wanted to see blue duck."

 ...similarly, i made this web page -- just because i never had and wanted to
see if i could.  its come a long way but there's still a lot to work on.  i really
hope you enjoy what i've done so far!  e-mail me and tell me what you think!

story of my life
my motorcycle (r6)
interests & hobbies

e-mail me here at


by the way, you bring my home page's visitor total up to: 10059. . . thanks!
(since 07 october 1999)

please take a minute to sign my guestbook so i know who's dropped by:
sign cliffy's guestbook!   .  .  .   view cliffy's guestbook!

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whats new?      story of my life      friends & family      my motorcycle      my car      interests & hobbies      links